Month: November 2021

Greyton Wine Weekend

Bizoe Wines participated in the inaugural Greyton Wine Weekend. Wineries stationed in different venues across Greyton. Wine sippers walking around the beautiful town sipping away on wine for a good cause.

Amazing seeing such a small community pulling together and delivering a fund raising event with so much passion. Greyton House Independent School raising funds to give bursaries for kids of Greyton that’s in need. Approximately 25 wineries spend the weekend in Greyton pouring wine for locals and weekend goers in Greyton. Enough money raised during the weekend to help 37 kids next year.

Bizoe Wines stationed on Werner Smith Art Gallery “stoep”. Werner’s Art Gallery is situated in Ds Botha Str. After meeting Werner at the gallery a few weeks prior to the Greyton Wine Weekend. Werner and I exchanged text messages. Little did we know that we both grew up in the same street, Nagel Str, Benoni. Lost contact when they moved to Pretoria, but reunited on a stoep in Greyton. Small world! When in Greyton make sure to pop in at Werner Smith Gallery.

Bizoe Morningstar Semillon 2019 was one the favourite during the weekend. Lovely weather helped sippers looking for some shade. At our venue was perfectly situated and we made use of the lovely couch. Once you sit, difficult to get up. Made sure their glass stay full with some cold wine.

Back to the weekend, activities around town was magnificent. Organizers made sure kids is entertained while adults stroll the streets of this beautiful town sipping on wine. On the Friday night winemakers was entertained at Hub and Spoke by the Greyton Wine Weekend organizers. Always fun sharing a glass of wine with your fellow winemakers.

 Thanks Team Greyton it was fun and looking forward to Greyton Wine Weekend 2022!

The Wern show at Nina’s Cafe George

The Wern aka Wernhard van der Watt of Nina’s Cafe, that I consider a very good friend of myself and Bizoe Wines is operating amazing restaurant in York Street, George.

My path crossed with Wern in the May 2009 the first time meeting him at The Indaba Tourism Show in Durban. Wern that stage of his life ran a Wine Agency in the Garden Route. First Bizoe introduction to the Garden Route was through the hands of Wern.

Today Wern and his wife Natasha run their own restaurant in George called Ninas. Wern has always been a passionate foodie as they call it. Through a few knocks and turns Wern has decided to join the chef school. Now he living his passion to combine food and wine in his own restaurant.

We recommend a visit to Ninas Cafe when you are in George. The service and quality of food is outstanding. A restaurant where you will feel like you eating your own food from home just better. You will most definitely meet the big man with the big beard at the door to welcome you to his and Tash restaurant. Sound advice don’t ask him out about his little daughter. You will miss curfew and won’t make it to your table. A proud man indeed.

The past weekend the Ninas Cafe Wine Festival was a huge success and all participating farms had a great time and fun. Some of the Grape Hustle Crew enjoyed the weekend with us, specially Gabrielskloof Wines and Keermont Wines. Thanks Alex and Nina for making the weekend so much fun. The chicken korma was on the menu. I will pair the dish with Bizoe Henrietta 2018. The flavours of the food and wine did complement one another perfectly!

 Looking forward visiting Ninas soon again!